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Automating the Service Process

Why invest in HubNetic? One of the greatest benefits of using HubNetic Fleet Management Software is that its process for collecting data is built into the Automation of the Service Process.

Overview of the Benefits

Reduce Downtime

Lower Costs

Better Decisions
Make Better

Service Quality
Improve Quality
of Service

Having helped large organizations manage their material handling fleets for years, we figured out that most of the information required to make intelligent decisions was dispersed among operators, managers, accountants and forklift service companies.  By rethinking how to capture data related to forklift maintenance and service events, we developed a system that not only worked for managing the fleet, but it also automated the service process.

See How It Works


Entering a Service Request

When an asset requires maintenance, a client creates a service event in HubNetic. In 4 easy steps, the event is created and sent to the appropriate service provider who is immediately notified and can access the event through any mobile device platform or desktop computer – saving you the time and hassle of making phone calls or sending emails.

Entering a Service Request

Service request Accepted

Service Request Acceptance

The service provider is then on the clock to acknowledge your request and quickly respond to your location to perform repairs.

Service Event Dashboard

The Service Event Dashboard provides visuals and reporting that engages locations and service providers, drives accountability, improves speed of repair and uptime, and measures SLA compliance.

Entering a Service Request


HubNetic provides industry leading communication and visibility to see when technicians arrive on site, how long they are at each location, and when events are resolved.

Service events are interactive allowing locations, service providers, technicians, and corporate personnel to communicate in real-time! This ensures that everyone in the service value chain benefits from improved service event management.

Complete Visibility with Real-Time Data

HubNetic’s approach delivers the right data, to the right people, at the right time! Our unmatched ability to promote collaboration and data-sharing transforms your service experience and improves decision making.  

Hubnetic Diagram


Manage Expenses Intelligently

Our process also empowers users to manage spend in real-time by monitoring “not to exceed” thresholds and using interactive, real-time quoting to make sure repairs are completed timely and are reviewed to protect you against investing in equipment past its useful lifecycle. 

Manage Expenses Intelligently

Simplify Invoicing

Best of all, HubNetic makes invoicing and paying vendors easy.  Our software essentially removes all of the wasted time related to traditional, paper invoicing and facilitates an automated process which consolidates invoices and replaces manual processes with Efficiency, Transparency, Visibility and Accountability.


Provide Visuals

Actionable Data

Armed with all of this data, HubNetic consolidates critical information and assembles dashboards, rankings, and scorecards covering all areas of the service value chain.  

HubNetic can optimize your service event efficiency to help reduce costs, eliminate excessive downtime, make better decisions, and ensure consistent service delivery.


See if HubNetic is a good fit for your organization.

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